You can find a lot of crazy and cool things on Craigslist. From a go-kart to an electric organ, here are four free things on the Western Slope Craigslist now.

You really never know what you'll find on Craigslist. There's always lots of free stuff being given away like floor mats for your car, doors, coaches, and coal.

There's currently a homemade go-kart, a rooster, and more that are currently up for grabs on Craigslist and they're all for free. Here are four free things that are currently on the Western Slope Craigslist page.

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Homemade Go-Kart


The first item up on this list of free items on the Western Slope Craiglist is a homemade go-kart. The description for this particular free item on the Western Slope Craigslist page is short and sweet. It simply says 'old homemade go-kart.' It was posted just a few hours ago in Delta.

Electric Organ

Grand Junction

The next item on this list of free stuff currently available on Western Slope Craigslist is a free electric organ in Grand Junction. The description of this item states that it is 38 inches wide, 22 inches long, and 31 inches tall.



This cute rooster is being given away for free on the Western Slope Craigslist page. The rooster about a year old and lives in Delta.



The next item on this list of free things that are currently available in Grand Junction are some walkers. These walkers are available in Clifton and the listing states 'two walkers in great shape.'

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