Brace Yourself, the Flu Season Memes Are Here
It's that time of year, when you give everybody who coughs on the train a dirty look and tie your hands to your waist with elastic to keep from accidentally touching your face until you've had a chance to wash them under soap and water for at least three minutes. That's right. It's flu season. Here are some tips for coming out on the other side okay.
For starters, it doesn't matter how long you've been putting it off, Albert Camus is just going to have to wait for spring -- this is not the time to read 'The Plague.' And if you see a large puddle of vomit on the sidewalk, hold your breath and give it a wiiiiiide berth. If there's one thing we've learned from Larry the Vomiting Robot, it's that when that stuff comes out, it goes *everywhere.* Also, look at these memes. Because we have to laugh. If we don't laugh then influenza wins, and we all suffocate under the pile of snot-covered Kleenex on the bedside table of humanity.
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