The story has made the rounds. Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl takes a tumble at a show in Sweden, breaks his leg, has it tended to backstage, then returns to rock from a chair and completes the show. But up until now, only the aftermath of the spill had been seen online. Now footage of Grohl's awkward moment has turned up online.

As can be seen, it's no small fall that the vocalist took. A look at the video footage shows the camera man's height barely even reaching the top of the stage and it looks as though Grohl takes a pretty significant leap. The singer was rocking out pretty good when he decided to get a little closer at the crowd. But a stumble as he walked toward the front of the stage led to him losing balance and flying off the front awkwardly to the ground below. It appears as though guitarist Chris Shiflett is the first to notice, as he begins to move toward the front of the stage to see what happens as the video ends.

Another item from the aftermath has also hit the web. TMZ has obtained a photo taken by FameFlynet Inc. of the singer stepping out in London, complete with a cast on his leg and braces to help him get around. It should come as no surprise that the popular Grohl already has his cast filling up with well wishes from friends. Check out the photo here.

The band announced that they are canceling their next two performances -- one at Pinkpop in the Netherlands and a second in St. Gallen in Switzerland -- because of the injury. At present, Grohl and the Foos are expected to be back for a two-night performance at London's Wembley Stadium June 19 and 20. The band is then scheduled to kick off a North American tour on July 4 in Washington, D.C. See the band's current schedule here.

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