Country Jam Offenders Have Their Day In Court
It was a day of reckoning for those busted at Country Jam.
Country Jam is the "biggest party in the west." For many its nearly a week of drinking, partying, and excess. The bands performing on the main stage is merely a 'sideshow' compared the shenanigans going down in the campground. It reminds you of Talladega. There may be a race cars going around the track at nearly 200 miles per hour but for those partying in the infield, it's just the excuse to be there.
At this year's Country Jam over 150 citations were handed out to lawbreakers. The majority were for minor in possession of alcohol. For most ticketed, it was their first offense. Those in considerably more trouble are the ones that provided the booze to those under 21. That's a more serious offense that can become part of the public record. Not to mention the fines and possible sentence that comes with that offense.
You would think that having over 100 offenders in court all in one day would be a problem for the courts. Nope, nothing but a 'thing." Thursday was actually a less taxing day than previous "Country Jam offenders day." “I think this year, it’s a little bit less. It’s a good cooperative adventure between the sheriff’s office, the state patrol, liquor enforcement, they all get together. They do a good job of patrolling Country Jam and making sure that its safe for everybody," said Chief Deputy District Attorney, David Waite.
It is all about safety. Everyone should be having a great time at events like Jam. However, nobody wants anyone getting hurt or involved in an incident because someone decided to break the law.
Get ready, the countdown is on for Country Jam 2019! The dates are June 13th-19th. More information on acts and tickets is coming soon and we'll see you back at "Jam Ranch" next year!
Credit: NBC11News
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