During a career day visit to a Sante Fe, New Mexico, a police officer fired a taser at a 10-year-old boy for jokingly refusing to clean his patrol car. Read more of the shocking details below.

Officer Chris Webb of the New Mexico Department of Public Safety and Motor Transportation paid a visit to Tularosa New Mexico Intermediate School for to speak to the students about taser and gun safety.

During the demonstration, Webb pulled out his police issued taser and asked the students if anyone would like to clean his patrol car.

The young boy jokingly declined, to which the officer allegedly said, "Let me show you what happens to people who do not listen to the police.” Pointing the taser at the boys chest delivering a 50,000 volt charge.

The boy immediately fell to the ground, the officer did not call for medical assitance, just taking the boy to the restroom to "clean up a bit." The barbs from the taser left cigarette size burns on the boys chest.

According to the court records, Webb told his superiors that he accidentally re-inserted the cartridge into the taser.

The boy's mother “wasn’t mad at what had happened,” but claims the boy is showing signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome, and wakes up holding his chest in the middle of the night afraid for his life.

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