Colorado Ghost Towns: Started as Puma City Ended as Tarryall
Taryall was a town in Park County that was established in 1896 as Puma City.
Mineral discoveries in the area prompted people to move to the area to try and find their fortune and, within a year, over 1,000 people had moved in.
As mining continued, however, the deposits were found to be much smaller than expected and, as those chasing riches do, many started leaving the town. What began as a growing town ended up being nearly empty, as only a few people remained.
In the 1900s the town took on the name of the post office and became known as Tarryall for the few residents who remained.
The schoolhouse is still standing and is listed among the National Register of Historic Places, as well as the rural historic district.
Nearby you will also find the Tarryall Reservoir State Park so you can actually combine two things we all love to do. Go camping then take off for Tarryall and check out the town.
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