U.S. Government Says there Aren’t Aliens in these Colorado Domes
If you've spent time around the Denver suburb of Aurora, Colorado, there's a good chance you've seen what look like huge golf balls in the skyline. These domes are located on Buckley Air Force Base and despite rumors that have floated around for decades, probably have nothing to do with aliens.
Colorado Domes Probably Don't Have Aliens in Them
These giant golf balls have been at Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, Colorado since the 1970s. Members of the military that are stationed at the base say that the rumor they've heard more than any others regarding the domes is that they are used to house aliens.

While the domes, which are known as Radomes, don't serve that particular purpose, they do serve as a valuable tool for the U.S. Government.
These fiberglass Radomes each house a 60-foot satellite which is used by the military to track things that leave the Earth's surface such as space shuttles, missiles, etc.
On the inside, the domes are especially impressive looking, almost giving the appearance of a planetarium. Along with the giant satellites, there are a plethora of large cables that run up and down them in order to keep them operating.
As you'll see below, the Radomes are put together in two pieces, almost like an eggshell, and look more like Disney's Epcot Center than a golf ball the closer you get to them.
Keep scrolling to take a virtual tour of these amazing domes that make up a fascinating part of the skyline in Aurora, Colorado:
U.S. Government Says there Aren’t Aliens in these Colorado Domes
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