Boxer Curtis Woodhouse Loses Fight and Hunts Down the man Running his Mouth on Twitter
Since the beginning of the Internet people have used it's anonymity to run their mouths without fear. As technology has changed the comfort of 'trolling' online anonymously basically does not exist anymore. Twitter user jimmyob88 recently found out he ran his mouth to the wrong guy, a boxer.
Boxer Curtis Woodhouse lost a boxing match and lost his Light-Welterweight title last week. That is when jimmyob88 took to Twitter to heckle the boxer on his loss. Curtis didn't find it funny and began offering money for the home address of jimmyob88 aka 'The Master'.
Curtis Woodhouse finally got a response thanks to his fans on Twiter. He had a general area of where the guy who called him a "complete disgrace" and "laughable joke" lived. The problem is he didn't have an exact address.
So Curtis hopped back on Twitter and posted, “Right Jimbob im here” and “Someone tell me what number he lives at or do I have to knock on every door #it’s showtime.” Jimmyob88 most likely was a little worried at this point and tweeted, “I am sorry it’s getting a bit out of hand. I am in the wrong. I accept that.”
Curtis eventually realized his trip was a waste of gas and tweeted back, “Jimmyob88 never came out to play so I’m going. Maybe a bit daft what I did today but sometimes enough is enough.”
Woodhouse eventually found out about Twitter's 'block' feature. A feature he wishes he knew about before wasting gas to hunt down his Twitter troll.
Check out the boxing profile for Curtis Woodhouse, show support on Facebook and of course follow him on Twitter!
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