There's the cartoon Bob's Burgers and there's the real-life Bob's burgers in Brazil. The Brazilian chain introduced something to customers which could one day help save the plant. Ideal for the environmentally friendly and the lazy, Bob's burgers gave customers a taste of what would normally be trash.

The idea of edible containers is not new, with several companies exploring the possibilities. Harvard announced the development of WikiCells which can package pretty much anything, take on flavor and are edible. Indiana company MonoSol uses a similar product for dissolving laundry and dishwasher detergent.

Bob's burgers in Brazil introduced the edible wrappers to customers as part of a promotional event. They claim all the wrappers were eaten, but how do you know your order was right? An L.A. ice cream company has been using edible wrappers for ice cream sandwiches.

Watch these burger lovers taste what could soon be one part of an environmental solution to reduce trash worldwide.

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