BLM Ready to Resume Prescribed Burns in Colorado
Wildfires in Colorado have consumed an enormous number of acres of vegetation this year so why would the Bureau of Land Management want to start more fires? It may seem strange, but the reason is wildfires.
The Bureau of Land Management West Rim Pines Project fall burn will include approximately 284 acres of the roughly 500 acres that are at a high risk for wildfire and do it in a very controlled manner.
Besides eliminating the types of fuels which make wildfires so dangerous, controlled burns will open space for native vegetation growth.
In turn, that vegetation provides a great habitat for big game and sage-grouse in the areas that will be treated. The BLM has seen positive results from previous prescribed burns.
There are a total of 38 separate units in the project which is located about seven miles east of Dove Creek. The burn is scheduled to start on or after September 28.
BLM officials are measuring the fuels to be burned and will not start the prescribed burn until conditions are favorable. Smoke from these fires may be visible several days after the burn as vegetation from the interior of the fire continues to burn.
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