Bear Chases Man on a Bike Through the Woods
HO-LY sheesh! A guy was riding his bike on a trail in the woods when he got the surprise of his life. And that surprise is fast and hungry!
Imagine that you're riding your bike through the woods, enjoying nature when all of a sudden you look over your shoulder and see a huge bear running right towards you. Oh my god...
That's exactly what happened to this guy on his bike. Talk about the surprise of your life! A huge hungry bear running full stride trying to eat you!
Then to make matters worse, there's a fallen tree blocking the trail! Could anything else go wrong?!
The guy ending up getting off the bike and running behind a tree to hide, which I think was incredibly ballsy and a bit stupid.
You can hear a multiple gunshots in the distance at the end of the video which finally scared the bear away.
Either way, that was a close one!