Bargain-Hunting Wild Boar Crashes Through Mall Ceiling
Forget good deals, free shipping and the fact you can stay in your jammies -- this is why shopping online is the way to go.
Your eyes will probably not believe what they're seeing when this wild boar comes falling through the ceiling of a children's clothing store in a mall.
What follows is pure chaos as the animal runs rampant like humans on Black Friday trying to get their grimy, greedy paws on 80% off merchandise.
Authorities closed off the store and the animal was captured.
This is unequivocally the most interesting thing that has ever happened at the mall. It even tops that time the teen manning the register at Wetzel's Pretzels gave us a $20 bill with our change instead of a 10. And that was certainly magical.
Guess you could say this pig shopped 'til he dropped.