April 20th Is The Next National Park Free Day!
One of 2019's five National Park entrance fee-free days is this Saturday.
National Park Week kicks off this weekend! In celebration, America's National Parks, along with the National Park Foundation, the official charity of the parks, is giving everyone an opportunity to explore our amazing National Parks for free!
Every year in April, this year it's the 20th through the 28th, join the fun of National Park Week by experiencing the parks and sharing your adventures on social media by using the hashtags: #NationalParkWeek and #FindYourPark!
The week-long party starts with Saturday's Free day! Other special days a part of National Park Week include national Junior Ranger Day, Military & veterans Recognition Day, and Earth Day. To find out more about these special days and National Park Week click HERE.
We are blessed to have several of the parks systems best National Parks practically in our backyard. The Colorado National Monument most certainly is. Other parks close by are the Black Canyon Of The Gunnison, Dinosaur, The Great Sand Dunes, Rocky Mountain Nation Park, and Arches & Canyonlands in Moab. To find other National Parks click HERE.