9 Places Colorado Pot Smokers Can Light Up When Traveling Out of State
The vacation season is creeping up on us and for pot smokers who are traveling out of state, here's a list of states where lighting up won't get you jail.
It seems like times are changing fast, although in reality, nationwide acceptance of recreational marijuana use is progressing rather slowly. However, the list of states where you can light up legally has grown substantially since Colorado led the charge and legalized cannabis is 2014.
In 2018, there are 29 states that allow medical marijuana, and 9 states that allow recreational use of pot. Not sure how your math is, but that's almost 20% of the nation, which gives you a lot more options if you hope to enjoy yourself in your own special way.
These are the states, besides Colorado, that have legalized recreational pot so far.
It's not a state, but I'll throw in Washington, D.C. since they voted to legalize recreational marijuana in 2014.
A word of caution, however. Specific laws vary by state in regards to how much marijuana you can possess, and exactly where it can be consumed, so be sure you are up to speed on the specific marijuana laws of the state you are traveling to.
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