10 Things Southern Utah Says About Northern Utah
Utah is a state full of rivalries.
University of Utah vs. BYU.
Conservatives vs. Progressives.
But one rivalry has raged on in the hearts and minds of Utahns for generations. And that rivalry is between Northern Utah and Southern Utah.
Those who settled Southern Utah were sent here on a mission from the LDS leader Brigham Young to grow cotton. In other words, they came from Salt Lake City.
But since that day there has been a dividing line. We're not sure where that is. Maybe it's Beaver. Who knows. But those in the South consider themselves to be more rugged and tougher than those they left behind many generations ago.
In Southern Utah, there lives a lasting attitude that while we were down here digging iron out of mines, and trying to grow cotton in the desert, those in Salt Lake and Provo were just sitting around and enjoying their fancy railroad dining cars and operas.
Similarly, those in the North saw the Southern settlers as those who were perhaps being punished, and that's why they would be forced to live in a place that LDS leader J. Golden Kimball famously compared to hell.
But perhaps the most interesting thing about this rivalry, it is not a violent one. There's no hatred. There's no spite. It's not like a gang rivalry, it's more like a sibling rivalry.
The north and south love each other as being part of the same family, just family with differences.