Foo Fighters frontman and all around bro god Dave Grohl has been making so many headlines in the back half of 2015 that it's ridiculous... and almost all of them are about something unbelievably cool that he did on stage. We decided to guess his next few moves in this contest of one-upsmanship he's having with himself and have listed them here for you.

This list may come off as snarky, but I, like many rock enthusiasts, love Dave Grohl. He genuinely seems like the nicest rock dude on the planet. A guy that truly loves music, his job, his fans, partying, and all the things that he gets a chance to do. He's the type of dude that you just want to hang out and drink a beer with. A guy that would give the shirt off of his back to a stranger... at least that's what the available evidence would lead me to believe about Mr. Grohl.

Some of the things he's done on the most recent tour make me think that Dave may have some sort of personality complex though. Perhaps he has a nagging voice in the back of his head that constantly tells him that he's not good enough and nobody likes him. That's the only way a person like me (who is a dick most of the time) can rationalize Dave's constant need to show how good of a dude he is. Here's a list of a few things he's done for the fans this year:

At this point in the tour, the voice in Dave's head must be screaming "GOD DAMMIT! DO YOU GUYS LOVE ME YET? MY LEG HURTS, I'M TIRED, I MISS MY FAMILY, AND I WANT TO GO HOME!"

Joking aside, we love Dave. Seriously, could this guy be any cooler? Somehow, the answer is "yes." So we're going to try and guess the next few, unbelievably cool "please love me already" Dave Grohl headlines. Scroll through the gallery below to see what we mean.

For the sake of brevity, just imagine they all start with "Dave Grohl"

Editor's note: Dave, if somehow you read this, I'm just messing around. Please don't hate me. Keep being awesome. xoxo

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