When it comes to Christmas movies, there is one that is always at the top of any list. That movie would be National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. The 1989 movie surrounding the Griswolds is adored by all.

The always memorable cousin Eddie and his family's RV can undoubtedly be recognized by nearly everyone too. On Saturday, December 10 from noon to 2 p.m., you can get up close and personal with a Christmas Vacation RV display created by Roche Constructors, Inc. in Greeley.

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The holiday display features many memorable moments from the Christmas Vacation movie and you will even be able to tour the inside of the RV for a perfect photo opportunity.

Yep, the red hose connected to the RV and robe-wrapped cousin Eddie is a part of the display too.

The event is located at Roche Constructors, Inc. at 361 71st Avenue in Greeley and will have hot chocolate and candy canes. It will surely be something you won't want to miss if you are a fan of the National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation movie. Check out the photos of the display:

Source: Roche Constructors, Inc. Facebook

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