Western Colorado’s Christmas Checklist
If you're like me, you need a list for just about everything.
I even need a list for my lists, but my favorite list is all about Christmas, so I thought I would share my list with you, you can share yours with the rest of us, and all of us list makers can rejoice.
1 - Get a tree
You have to have a tree at Christmas or it's just not the same. I tried putting the air freshener tree on my wall, but all anyone did was laugh. Santa must not have liked it either because all he left me was a pair of slippers. Women's slippers.
2 -Get gifts
Oh yeah, I have to get gifts. See? Without the list I would have forgotten to get gifts! These days, though, what people like or hope to get has changed so much you actually NEED a list. Coats, boots, winter clothes, those types of things you used to be able to get away with buying without so much as a thought are over. Electronics. That's the thing now.
3 - THIS year, get wrapping paper
I have to admit, I am one of those people who would save paper bags and use them to wrap gifts in. The looks on the faces of those who receive these gifts in homemade wrapping paper ought to warm your heart. But icy stares rarely do that.
4 - Figure out where I'm going for Christmas
I can't just assume anymore, since the kids are grown with kids of their own. These days it's pretty much a tour. A few hours here, a few hours there and everyone's happy. My issue with that is I get sleepy when I eat. I just want one place to enjoy unwrapping gifts, eating and sleeping, is that too much to ask?
5 - Promise me that next year will be different
Even though I know it won't. I wish I had never read the Procrastinator's Guide to Christmas. I always thought if I did stuff last minute the shelves would all be refilled and I could avoid the crowds and still get what I cane for. Silly me.
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