Watch Baby Rhino’s First Swim at Denver Zoo
It's a memorable occasion for a newborn at the Denver Zoo.
First steps, first words, first tooth are all special milestones in a child's life. There are also some memorable moments for a baby rhinoceros, such as the very first swim.
Joona is a baby one-horned rhino at the Denver Zoo, born in February, and just went for her very first swim with cameras on hand to capture the special moment. She starts off a bit slow as she begins to explore the water, but before long is swimming and frolicking around and having a great time.
It's a good thing Joona doesn't need a bathing suit. Do you realize how difficult it is to find a bikini for a 436 lb rhino?
While Joona is only exploring the pool when her mama is around right now, one-horned rhinos love the water and she will undoubtedly be spending a great amount of time there.
Meanwhile, the Denver Zoo is not yet open to the public. However, it is planning to open in a limited capacity in the near future. The zoo has been working on social distancing signage, hand sanitizing stations, and bails of hay for directing one-way traffic. When the zoo opens it will be open at 50% capacity which means about 4,000 people.

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