UNC Student Diagnosed with Severe Lung Illness from Vaping
The dangers of vaping are becoming more and more apparent as reports of vaping-related lung illnesses rise.
One of the most recent cases is now in Northern Colorado, according to The Greeley Tribune. 18-year-old Piper Johnson, a freshman at the University of Northern Colorado, found herself in the emergency room on move-in day due to complications from vaping.
Johnson was taken to the emergency room after she began to have trouble breathing. After moving her to intensive care to accommodate her oxygen needs, officials deemed Johnson's case to be the first "sudden and severe lung illness due to vaping" in Colorado.
She is expected to make a full recovery, but the teen's mother, Ruby Johnson, took to social media to share her daughter's story in the hopes that it would deter others from vaping.
"Share Piper's story. Do your research," she said. "Talk to your kids. Talk to their friends. Talk until you're out of breath, or they just might be."
While Johnson was lucky enough to recover, others were not so fortunate. Six vaping-related deaths have been confirmed in the U.S. so far.
Vapes, or e-cigarettes, are electronic devices that deliver nicotine through vape juice, which is a mixture containing flavoring and other chemicals. On top of nicotine, vapes can also be used for smoking marijuana.
Officials have been unable to trace the illnesses back to a specific brand, but CDC researchers suspect that chemical exposure is causing people to get sick.
Majority of the illnesses appear to be related to marijuana cartridges, but the CDC is warning the public against using any kind of vape. For those who already do, the CDC says it is important to be on the lookout for symptoms.
Although Johnson's case is the only one reported in Colorado so far, it is possible there could be more. According to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Colorado teenagers vape more than in any other state.
It's looking like those "sick clouds" might actually make you sick.
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