Police are currently looking for a man in Florida who was seen stealing a vehicle with 30 vials of the COVID vaccine inside, reports say that the vaccines were properly stored at the time.
Kailua resident Aulii Mitchell said he was shocked as he watched a man walk into his home unannounced and take his prized ukulele off of his wall, and then run off with it.
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James Blight of Haines City, Fla. told police that he had been drinking whiskey all day and couldn't remember what he had be up to. Turns out, he stole a bulldozer and dug Biden signs out of people's yards - and ran over some poor woman's fence...
Kevin Netik is the owner of the Yamaha Rhino utility side-by-side. Kevin's sister tells Denver 7 that this is how Kevin feels independent, saying "It's his lifeline almost."
Ah, technology. With the advances over the years, it's pretty hard to stay anonymous.
Take, for instance, this pair of apparent iPad thieves in suburban Houston.
This is another one for the "Stupid Criminals" file. Parking a stolen car in front of the Mesa County Jail is dumb enough, but then sitting in it until you are caught is even dumber.