Half a Man

Occasionally, I Act Like a Serial Killer [Half a Man]
Occasionally, I Act Like a Serial Killer [Half a Man]
Occasionally, I Act Like a Serial Killer [Half a Man]
It's hidden in the back of my closet. It's been there for years. It gets mail delivered; it's that established. For four years it has maintained residence, because it managed to make it through the move from the old house. It was the first shirt hung in the new closet, because it was the first shirt out of the box, because it was the last shirt in the box after an hour of deliberation that conclud
The Day a Donut Almost Killed Me — Half a Man
The Day a Donut Almost Killed Me — Half a Man
The Day a Donut Almost Killed Me — Half a Man
Individually, the interns were all pretty nice guys. A little juvenile, sure, but tolerable for the most part. Put them all at a conference table in a professional setting, though, and it was like assembling lazy intern Voltron -- Each khaki-panted part sliding onto the next to create one massive jerk...