There’s still quite a while to go until the July 15, 2016 release date of Paul Feig’s all-female Ghostbusters reboot, but the fires of fan anticipation must be continually stoked if they’re going to burn strong enough to last through the winter, and the wasteland of pop-cultural apathy that is the month of January...
Sigourney Weaver was the only one of the core actors from the original film (minus Rick Moranis who retired from acting) who was not going to be appearing in the new Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig version. But, as it turns out, Weaver will be appearing in the new Ghostbusters movie, alongside Bill Murray, Ernie Hudson, Dan Aykroyd and Annie Potts.
There’s one reason and one reason only why we’re getting a Ghostbusters remake in 2016 instead of an actual Ghostbusters 3 five years ago. That reason is named Bill Murray and he’s been the not-so-secret sequel roadblock for as long as we can remember. But then he accepted a small role in the new reboot, because he’s Bill Murray and Bill Murray does whatever he wants. Sometimes that means randomly showing up at your birthday party. Sometimes that means popping up in a film franchise that he seemingly had zero desire to revisit. Now, Murray explains his reasons for joining a new Ghostbusters movie he was so vocally against.
When it was revealed that director Paul Feig was going to reboot Ghostbusters with an all-female cast, the general assumption was that Ghostbusters 3 was dead and buried. Gone forever. Kaput. Never to be mentioned again. But, Dan Aykroyd never got that memo. Aykroyd, who co-wrote and starred in the original films, has spent years talking up Ghostbusters 3 and he’s not going to let silly little things like an actual, official, studio-sanctioned remake with a cast and release date get in the way.
‘Ghostbusters’ was a huge hit, spawning a sequel and an all-female remake, but it almost was never ‘Ghostbusters’ at all. The film was originally called ‘Ghost Smashers’ before someone realized that's a horrible title. Needs some more phantastic facts? Who ya gonna call? You Think You Know Movies! Grab your proton pack and get ready to get slimed with these gooey facts.
Since the news of an all-female 'Ghostbusters' was announced, we've all had lots of fun attempting to reverse-gender cast the film. Melissa McCarthy! Amy Poehler! Emma Stone!! All that speculation has come to an end. Director Paul Feig tweeted a picture of four women that serves as your an official reveal of the new 'Ghostbusters' cast.
After months of rumors and speculation, it looks like director Paul Feig is finally starting to assemble his cast for his ‘Ghostbusters’ reboot. The name at the top of his list should surprise no one: Melissa McCarthy, who he previously directed to an Oscar nomination and huge box office success in ‘Bridesmaids’ and ‘The Heat,' and who is in early talks to star in the film.
The current plan for the next ‘Ghostbusters’ film is the all-female reboot, which will be directed by Paul Feig (‘Bridesmaids’). We’ve heard that Feig has spoke with Jennifer Lawrence (who would make a great Venkman, BTW), Emma Stone and Rebel Wilson about parts in the film and it seems like a very exciting cast is coming together. So…what’s this talk of Channing Tatum, Chris Pratt and Ryan Gosling wanting to star in a ‘Ghostbusters’ movie?