April Fool’s Day comes around every year on the same day -- I mean, if you’re getting fooled the same day every year on the same date over and over, what gives? Every year it’s the same: you wake up, go about your business and sooner or later someone tells you a lie, or at least some crazy story, in the hopes you’ll get all riled up and agitated...
April Fool's Day brings out the prankster in all of us. In this day and age when everything is caught on camera, why not go for the jugular with these jokes?
This morning in Virginia a 20-year-old Waffle House employee’s April Fools’ prank ended with her in jail. Just before 6am this morning Susan Tinker called the cops to report the restaurant was robbed. She claimed masked-men had raided the store just five minutes earlier. The police, not suspecting an April Fools’ prank, launched into action responding with a full investigation and a K-9 unit.