The state of Wisconsin is considering lowering the drinking age to 19. Is this something Colorado should do?
No question Colorado is a forward-thinking state. Being one of only a handful that has approved the recreational sale of marijuana why not consider a change to the drinking age...
The numbers are in and January 2015 saw the marijuana tax revenue hit an all time high, at the same time six sheriffs from Colorado file a lawsuit to overturn Amendment 64.
With lawmakers in Colorado considering future legislation regarding Amendment 64 statewide, some local governments are crafting their own ordinances. This time it's the Routt County Board of Commissioners banning marijuana from county property.
The task force that was created by Governor Hickenlooper when he proclaimed the votes for Amendment 64 in December had their final meeting yesterday Thursday February 28, 2013. Find out what they discussed in their last meeting before legislators craft regulations and laws for adults to smoke marijuana legally for recreational purposes.
Mesa County District Attoney’s Office Advises on Legal Marijuana in Colorado, Governor Hickenlooper’s Amendment 64 Task Force Makes More Recommendations
The time frame for Colorado legislators to act on new legislation and regulations regarding Amendment 64 is getting closer and closer. As that approaches the governor's task force continues to release the latest from their meetings. Mesa County deputy District Attorney Dan Rubenstein has also been busy advising the Western Slope how Mesa County intends to interpret and enforce the law.
Since the passing of Amendment 64 in Colorado, it is now legal for Colorado residents 21 years of age or older to posses up to an ounce of weed and to use it recreationally. But, where do Coloradans get this legal weed?
Former Colorado congressman Tom Tancredo said he won’t honor his promise to smoke marijuana. Early in 2012 Adam Hartle, a comedian and documentarian, caught Tancredo on film saying he would smoke a joint with Hartle if Amendment 64 passed. Well ,as we all know 64 passed on election day 55.3% to 44.6% and when Hartle contacted Tancredo about the pledge, Tancredo said he would have to welsh.
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