Some Jerk Stole A Hunters Trophy Elk
What kind of low-life steals a man's trophy and right out of the back of his truck?
This is as low as it gets. After spending days in the backcountry, a hunter finally bags the trophy bull of a lifetime only has some (insert appropriate adjective here) steal the rack right out of the back of his truck!
The monster 6x6 was bagged near Gypsum in the Derby Mesa loop area late in the evening of October 18th. The hunter was making several long trips back and forth packing the beast out when he discovered the elk's head was missing. What the low-life thief didn't know it that the hunter is a soldier. This may be one of these cases where the criminal better hope the law finds him first. I know I wouldn't use restraint if I was the hunter in this situation and found the guy who lifted my prize bull.
What is this scumbag going to do with it anyway? Try and have it mounted, hang it on the wall of his place, and proceed to tell lies the rest of his lift of how he bagged the elk?
The Eagle County Sheriff's Office is looking for the thief. There's a $1,000 Crime Stoppers reward for information that leads to an arrest. Anyone with information is asked to call the Sheriff's Office at 970-328-8500. If you know who did this, TURN HIM IN! Be the better person and help get this soldier get back his trophy elk.
Credit: Craig Daily Press
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