North Avenue 4Ever!
Those of you that hoped for North Avenue's name to remain are winners. The Grand Junction City Council has unanimously voted to rescind changing the name.
So much for "University Avenue." That idea is officially dead now that the City Council has voted to pull the plug on the name change. That's good news for most of Grand Junction's residents but is of more significance to the business owners along North Avenues. Nearly every business owner on North Avenue disagreed with the change citing the cost and time involved in updating everything from signs, logos, websites, and documents.
The idea was floated back in August as part of the CMU20000 concept. It was quickly met with opposition. CMU20000 is a partnership between the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce and Colorado Mesa University with the goal of strengthening the Grand Valley economy and the future of its youth. I agree with most of you that the name change doesn't contribute to achieving that goal.
So it's over! "Keep North 4Ever" are winners! How about a big cruise party this weekend to celebrate?