***UPDATE*** Two mountain lions were euthanized as a result of the attack***

An eight-year-old boy was attacked last night (Wednesday) in Bailey, Colorado and was sent to the hospital.

The Platte Canyon Fire district reported the attack, saying the young boy received serious injuries. He was flown to the hospital for treatment and is in serious condition.

The attack happened off of County Road 72 in Baileyin an area known as the Burland subdivision. and hours afterward, CPW was still looking for the animal. Men and dogs were dispatched to try to find the trail of the mountain lion.

CPW remained on the scene Thursday morning, as they searched throughout the night for the animal. The young boy's injuries were serious enough to keep him hospitalized overnight.

Mountain lion attacks do not happen often, but CPW has a video for you to watch that tells you what to do in the event you are faced with one.

If you are out and you spot a mountain lion, please make sure you know what to do.

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