Several new laws are going into effect in Colorado beginning January 1st, 2025. How many of them are you familiar with?

Read More: New Chain Laws In Colorado: What Drivers Need To Know

Changes are coming in 2025 as the state increases the minimum wage and the child car-seat age. Keep reading for an overview of all seven new laws below.

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Hands-Free Driving Law

Colorado's New Hands Free Law

Hands-Free Driving Law: Beginning January 1st, 2025, Colorado drivers cannot hold or touch their cell phones while driving. The first offense will cost you $75 and two license suspension points if caught. There are some exceptions for emergencies.

Child Safety Seat Regulations Law

Child Safety Seat Regulations

Child Passenger Safety Law: New for 2025, Colorado's new child car seat requirement increases the age children are required to use a car seat from 8 to 9. Infants must now use a rear-facing car seat in the back seat until the age of two. All passengers under 18 will be required to wear a seatbelt no matter their seating position.

Cage-Free Egg Requirement Law

Cage Free Eggs

Cage-Free Egg RequirementIn Colorado, the new cage-free law will impact farms with more than 3000 egg-laying hens and requires them to provide at least one foot of floor space for each one. This new law does not apply to hens designated for slaughter or research.

Gun Storage in Vehicles Law

Gun Storage Box
Canva Pro

Gun Storage in Vehicles Law: In 2025, gun owners who travel with a firearm must safely store them in a locked, hard-sided container kept out of view. The vehicle must also be kept locked to ensure safety and stop anyone from gaining access to the gun.

Minimum Wage Increase Law

Min Wage Increase
Canva Pro

Minimum Wage Increase: The state minimum wage will rise from $14.42 to $14.81 per hour, with the tipped wage increasing from $11.40 to $11.79 per hour. Certain municipalities, such as Denver, have higher local minimum wages.

Read More: Colorado Will See Another Minimum Wage Increase In 2025

Workers’ Compensation Enhancements Act

Workers’ Compensation Enhancements
Canva Pro

Workers’ Compensation and Benefits Expansion Act: Colorado will increase the max compensation for work-related injuries with an impairment rating of 19% or less will increase from $75,000 to $300.000. Workers can set up a direct deposit for compensation payments.

Health Care Worker Requirements in Assisted Living Facilities Law

Health Care Worker Requirements
Canva Pro

Health Care Worker Testing Requirements for Assisted Living Facilities: Healthcare workers providing direct care in assisted living facilities will be required to undergo tuberculosis testing and fit testing for respiratory masks. Facility operators are responsible for overseeing compliance with these requirements.

LOOK: 19 of the Silliest Laws on the Books In Colorado

The Centennial State is home to nineteen laws that may seem silly, stupid, or outdated, but they are still laws. Scroll through the gallery below to see Colorado's strangest laws that are still on the books today.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

MORE: 18 State Laws Colorado Residents Want to Get Rid Of

As Colorado residents, we're asking you what state laws you think are outdated or unnecessary. Would you get rid of the state income tax or something else? Scroll through the comments below to see which laws Colorado is ready to get rid of.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

KEEP GOING: Strangest Laws in Colorado You're Probably Breaking Right Now

We all try our hardest to follow the law, even when we don't agree with them. We took a look at some of Colorado's laws and discovered a few that make no sense at all.

We know drinking and driving is illegal, but did you know riding a horse while intoxicated is illegal. Or take a mule or donkey into a building could get you in trouble.

And whoever threw a missile at a car is someone we'd like to meet.

Take a look at Colorado's most outrageous laws on the books.

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