Off-Leash Dogs In Colorado Could Cost Owners Big Fines
It's a good time of year for reminders as we close out 2024 and head into 2025. Here in Grand Junction and Mesa County, some of us will add a pet to the family.
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If that pet is a dog, you'll want to study the Mesa County law about pets on a leash in public places. Knowing what the law says can help you avoid expensive fines, and it helps protect public property in town and out in the county.

Mesa County, Colorado Leash Law
In Mesa County, dogs are required to be on a leash. The leash must be 10 feet long or shorter whenever you are in a public area within Grand Junction city limits or in Mesa County. Mesa County's leash law is part of Mesa County Law (Section 4.2) which details to-dos for dogs in common and public areas. Review a PDF of the Mesa County Law here.
Specific Places Where A Leash Is Required
Dogs in Mesa County are required to be on a leash in public places in Grand Junction and the county. Forgetting to keep your dog on a leash can result in a $50 ticket for the first offense. The fine gets larger for your second or third offense. If you are unsure if a leash is required, look for posted signs at area parks and open places.
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Designated Off-Leash Spaces
Grand Junction residents can enjoy off-leash time with their dogs at specific designated places such as Canyon View Park or along the Colorado River at Las Colonias. Rules for these dog parks are posted at the entrance. You can reach out to the Grand Junction Field Office at BLM for a list of places you can hike with your dog off a leash.
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Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams
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Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams