Something very weird happened at the V.A. hospital in Aurora, Colorado. When it comes to the care of our nation's Veterans, everyone should know exactly what's going on; here's a situation where something got in, unstopped.

The Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center in Aurora, had to cancel several operations on Friday, May 10, 2024, after a "residue" of "unknown origin" was found on some the medial equipment.  How weird is that?

The Denver Post reports that staff at the hospital noticed the residue, and began the process of canceling surgeries and trying to determine what, exactly, the substance was. As of 1:00 p.m. that day, they were still trying to determine what it was.

Clearly, on the bright side, no surgeries happened, and no Veterans were exposed to the substance, but it does give a person an uneasy feeling, when the medical professionals cannot identify a substance that made its way so far into the hospital.

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According to the Post, everything in regards to surgeries was at a standstill until they could determine what the substance was; once that was figured out, they could go about getting rid of it, correctly and safely.

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For all the professionals at the hospital, for something "unknown" to be in the hospital raises a lot of concern, for anyone who knows a Veteran.

Nobody wants to think that it could have been some sort of attack; most likely, it was something so benign that they didn't even think about it. I can't imagine what, but that's what I'm leaning towards.

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Gallery Credit: Waylon Jordan





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