When you hear about it, that's one thing; when you see it, that could be another. Will Colorado join California in this initiative?

If there's one thing that people don't like about Colorado, it's Californians moving here. What if this, what some will say is "woke," program in California makes its way here, too?


We all have a family member or a friend who gets angry over the government "coddling" its citizens; this California benefit may see them come "unhinged."

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What is This 'EBT for Fast Food' Program in California?

California's Electronic Benefits Transfer program has sub-program known as Restaurant Meals, where those who qualify, can get food that is hot at the point of sale, such as a McDonald's, Carl's Jr, and Subway.

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Who in California Gets to Use EBT at McDonald's?

  • Homeless.
  • Elderly - age 60 years or older and his/her spouse (husband, wife, common-law husband, common-law wife.)
  • Disabled and his/her spouse (husband, wife, common-law husband, common-law wife) - Receiving Disability Benefits.

Generally, you can see where those in the given categories would have a hard time preparing hot meals - no home means no oven, being too old or to work the oven, and  being unable to cook because of a disability.

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You might think that there are just a few "restaurant" places in California that accept EBT, but it's a really long list, just for the County of Los Angeles.

Could Colorado Become a State to Allow Hot Food Purchases with EBT?

Currently, Colorado does not allow it with SNAP:

Colorado does not allow hot and prepared food items for immediate consumption to be purchased with SNAP benefits.

Again, some will say that "the way Colorado is these days, they're bound to start doing it;" But, is it so wrong?

MORE COLORADO FOOD: Local Spot Has Some of the Best Wings in Colorado

From taste to service and overall experience, we absolutely loved our first time at Outlaw WIngs when we tried them last year. We found them by dumb luck as I mentioned, and now I need to fill you in on Outlaw Wings and tell you why it's one of the best local wings restaurants in the entire state.

Gallery Credit: Big Rob TSM

MORE COLORADO FOOD: This Could Be the Best Steakhouse in Colorado

When you want a steak, and you go out to dinner, you want the quality to match the price. And for decades, this Colorado steak restaurant has been as quality as it gets in its line of work. That's why the lines are always so long... Calling it the "best" could be controversial, but let's take a quick peek at some of their amazing food!

Gallery Credit: Big Rob TSM



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