We've all be there, particularly after a long night out in Old Town Fort Collins maybe. You get a little brave and start wandering places you maybe don't belong and before you know it, you're stuck in a precarious situation.

Nobody knows what caused a kitten to go wandering where he didn't belong, but someone did notice the situation and reported it to the Poudre Fire Authority that a kitten was trapped in a dumpster in Fort Collins.

This was not your typical "cat stuck in a tree" call from the 50s however. In this case, in addition to the feline climbing into the dumpster, he attempted to squeeze out through a little hole in the corner of it, except that while his head fit through, the rest of his body did not. And he, of course, subsequently got stuck.

Here's the thing... you can't just make the hole bigger. We're talking thick metal here which required the use of what we all commonly know as the "jaws of life" to get him out, a.k.a. those hardcore scissor like shears that the fire department uses to cut through cars to save people who have been in an accident.

Shout out to Dr. Amanda Cavanagh from the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital for stepping up to help keep the little guy calm. And to whatever family decides to eventually adopt him. You can learn more about him by calling or visiting NOCO Humane at 3501 E. 71st St in Loveland.

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Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

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Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

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