Several bars and restaurants around Colorado have been known to have paranormal spirits lingering inside, which means customers can share a meal or drink with the souls of the dearly departed.

The Cruise Room

According to the Food Network, Denver's legendary Cruise Room is Colorado's most haunted bar or restaurant. The iconic establishment opened the day after the repeal of Prohibition in 1933, making it Denver’s longest-running bar. Prior to that, the underground site operated as a speakeasy where employees used secret tunnels and fake panels to serve and transport alcohol. And apparently, some historical figures of the past are still hanging around.

On multiple counts, bartenders have reported seeing a man walking into the bar wearing an old post office uniform. Witnesses say that the male apparition usually orders a beer, mutters "The children, I have to get the gifts to the children," then appears to drink his beer and leave. When the bartender goes to clear the beer bottle, it’s still full. Back in the 1930s, a postal worker was on his way to deliver Christmas presents to Central City. However, the gifts were never delivered. That spring, his body was found with all of the presents still with him. The postal worker who shows up at The Cruise Room is believed to be his spirit.

The Cruise Room is located inside the Oxford Hotel at 1600 17th Street in Denver. The hotel is said to be haunted too.

Dogwood Cocktail Cabin

The Dogwood Cocktail Cabin is a popular joint in Crested Butte, but back in the 1800s, it was a bunkhouse where miners used to live. Some of these former residents have chosen to stay for good, making their presence known to visitors. Ghosts have been known to mess with photos taken in the cabin, and sometimes unidentified figures will show up in peoples' pictures. Stories of strange noises and items being moved unexplainably also come from this Crested Butte bar.

According to Google, the Dogwood is temporarily closed, but that probably doesn't stop spirits from entering inside.

Google Maps
Google Maps

Highline Cafe and Saloon

Formerly known as the Mountain Muffin Restaurant, the Highline Cafe and Saloon in Hartsel, Colorado originally opened as an ice cream parlor in the 1900s. Rumor has it that many years ago, a man killed another man over a love triangle, and then hanged himself in the building’s back room. Nowadays, employees and guests have noticed strange occurrences inside this eerie eatery. For example, lights and appliances turn on and off by themselves, and cash registers open without provocation.

The Melting Pot - Louisville

Louisville is another Colorado town whose paranormal activity can be traced back to its mining origins. More than a hundred years ago, a tragedy took place in the tunnel directly under the building that currently houses The Melting Pot restaurant, leading to spooky situations in modern times. An explosion reportedly killed three miners in the tunnel, one of whom's body was never found. Apparitions of the third bootlegger have been witnessed ever since in different locations on Main Street, including in the Melting Pot.

12 Spirits Tavern

As if the name doesn't say enough, spirits are heavily sensed in this prominent 130-year-old Denver structure. But rather than fearing the souls that are said to haunt the building, 12 Spirits Tavern celebrates them. Many of the photos in the tavern are of former residents (who may have never left). The bar is located in the basement of the historic Croke-Patterson Mansion, where the ghost of Thomas Patterson himself has been seen roaming the halls. Besides seeing mysterious apparitions, visitors commonly hear spooky sounds and voices. Multiple guests have reported hearing a baby crying hysterically down in the basement too.

Kelsey Nistel, TSM/Canva
Kelsey Nistel, TSM/Canva

Have you had any creepy things happen while visiting a bar or restaurant in Colorado?

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Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

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