Alicia Taylor Blasts ‘Failed Homewrecker’ Guitarist for Allegedly Pursuing Corey Taylor
Alicia Taylor has blasted a punk band's guitarist, calling the woman a "failed homewrecker" on social media, for allegedly pursuing Corey Taylor in an inappropriate manner.
Alicia, who's been married to Taylor since October of 2019, shared a series of posts on X (formerly Twitter) over the weekend directly calling out Violet Mayugba of the punk rock band Destroy Boys for supposedly attempting to initiate an affair with the Slipknot frontman.
"There are women out there who legit think it’s a power move to TRY and coerce taken men to cheat w them. And when their plan doesn’t work, they throw a fit. Violet Mayugba you garbage eater. You’ve done this to so many other couples but never with someone like me in the mix," Alicia wrote.
"This industry will know you as the failed homewrecker. Everyone will know you as the chick who tried to say PICK ME but FAILED. I know all about you and your history with breaking up marriages. You finally encountered one you couldn’t 'destroy'. Fitting, isn’t it?"
The posts stirred a lot of attention, and Alicia shared more of the details about the situation in responses to various people. We attempted to piece the story together below with Alicia's social posts embedded in between.
Alicia Taylor's Claims About Mayugba
It's unclear exactly what transpired between Mayugba and Taylor, but according to Alicia, Taylor told Mayugba that "nothing was going to come of it." The guitarist allegedly replied to him, "We'll see about that."
Alicia further added that Mayugba's parents sent her a cease-and-desist order to prevent her from sharing the story.
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Additionally, Alicia claimed that Mayugba preyed on Taylor when he was sick and lost weight while he was struggling with his mental health earlier this year. She also claims that the guitarist put her cellphone number in Taylor's kid's iPad to try and keep contact with them.
It's unclear when or why Mayugba met Taylor's kids.
Alicia Initially Confronted Mayugba Privately
Alicia said that she initially addressed Mayugba directly about the situation and had "compassion" for her, until she learned more details from Taylor himself. "Then I decided to go scorched earth," she wrote.
Alicia had apparently been in contact with Mayugba since early 2024, as one of the texts is dated for Feb. 1 of this year. In the post, she reiterated that she had "compassion" for Mayugba at first and suggested the guitarist stay away from married men in the music industry.
In the screenshot it appears that someone (presumably Mayugba) apologized to Alicia and promised that she would stay away from the Taylor family, and thanked her for having "immense grace" with her.
On Feb. 1, according to the screenshot, Alicia texted Mayugba that she had learned the rest of the story from her husband, writing, "I know everything."
Alicia Claims Mayugba Insulted Her to Taylor
On July 31, about a month before the rest of the posts embedded here, Alicia tweeted that Mayugba called her "ugly" to Taylor and asked how he could be with someone like her.
According to Alicia, Others Have Since Come Forward With Stories About Mayugba
Alicia shared screenshots of text messages she received from other individuals about Mayugba. Someone alleged that the guitarist had involvement with members of the Blink-182, Sevendust and Creed camps as well.
Alicia's Latest Messages to Mayugba
Alicia also shared a screenshot of another text exchange she says she had with Mayugba, where she called the guitarist a "disgusting, cancer of a human" with "zero problem breaking entire families apart."
Mayugba apparently asked Alicia to call her, but Alicia wrote in the caption that she blocked the guitarist since they had already discussed the situation before.
In another post which Alicia directed at Mayugba, she said that the details she's withheld from the story so far are a "gift," and that she had warned the guitarist she would expose her if she found out that she was being lied to.
Alicia wrote in several posts that she'll personally Venmo anyone who bought tickets to see Destroy Boys this year, but no longer wants to go after learning the story. However, she assured that she does not condone anyone harming or harassing Mayugba in anyway.
See the rest of Alicia's posts on her X account.
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Gallery Credit: Todd Fooks