Help A Young Adult Land A Gig
It's time to clean out the closet. Set aside any dress clothes that you're longer using and donate them to the School to Work Alliance Program. They're hosting their second "Attire for Hire" clothing drive through March 1st.
School to Work Alliance Program or S.W.A.P. helps students find jobs. The clothes will help students in need dress the part during their spring job fair.
Things needed are professional clothing, like dress shirts, dress pants, dress shoes, ties and knee-length skirts.
The job fair is Thursday, May 4th 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. The event is free and open to ALL high school students and young adults up to the age of 21. This years' job fair is at the Workforce Center, 512 29 1/2 Road in Grand Junction. Last year over 300 students attended the career fair.
Please drop off your donations at the Career Center, 2935 North Ave., Grand Junction. They are accepting clothes until March 1.
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