Randomly Select a Grand Junction Restaurant with This Awesome Tool
We've all been there. It's time to eat, but nobody wants to make a decision on where to go, and so, finally, we have the Grand Junction Random Restaurant Chooser.
The conversation goes like this.
He says, "Honey, where do you want to eat, tonight?"
She says, "Oh, I don't care, where do you want to go?"
He says, " I really don't care, you decide."
She says, "Well, I don't care where we go."
He says, "What are you hungry for?"
She says, "I don't know, what are YOU hungry for?"
He says, " I could eat anything, what sounds good to you?"
She says, "I don't know. What sounds good to you?"
The next time you find yourself in this never-ending, mind-numbing, I-can't-stand-this conversation, give the ole Grand Junction Random Restaurant Chooser a try. I have put 100 of Grand Junction's most popular restaurants on the wheel, including fast food joints.
Just for fun, you can spin the wheel a few times to see some of the choices - but when it comes to making that all-important restaurant decision, commit to the wheel. Give it one spin and let the wheel decide your dining destination.