July 20, 2022, was "National Hot Dog Day." I asked on Facebook, "You can add three toppings to your hot dog. What are you adding?" Here's what Grand Junction, Colorado had to say.

Little did I know this is serious business. Obviously, you have the old standbys: Ketchup, mustard, relish, etc. Unbeknownst to me, you enjoy adding delicacies like crab meat, mac and cheese, pulled pork, and caramelized onions.

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Grand Junction Takes This Matter Seriously

Let me begin by saying I've never had a hot dog in my life, and I have no intention of starting. I have to agree with Linda P who replied, "No hot dog, I want a cheeseburger with the works." In my case, I'll pass on the works. All I want is a cheeseburger. While that may seem odd, please keep in mind I'm the same guy who has never seen the first Top Gun movie.

It looks as though there is very little grey area on this; you like what you like. You have this matter down pat. With posts like this, replies are often a bit nebulous. Not in this case. Your answers were specific, concise, and abundantly clear.

America's Favorite Hot Dog Toppings

According to a press release from the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council... okay, stop laughing. Yes, there really is a National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, and they actually do send out press releases. According to the press release you're currently laughing at, a recent online survey conducted by Harris Poll on behalf of the Council found that 71% of Americans who eat hot dogs say they top their hot dogs with mustard.

The rest of the rundown, according to "The Council" is as follows:

  • ketchup - 52%
  • onions - 47%
  • chili - 45%
  • relish - 41 %

The real shocker here, according to NHDSC President and "Queen of Wien" Janet Riley, would be ketchup. Riley stated, "Ketchup’s popularity was a big surprise, considering our etiquette rules – and ketchup’s notable absence from regional hot dog favorites like the Chicago Dog and the New York Dog.”

The Big Conclusion

According to Wien Queen Janet Riley, “The high scores for so many condiment options suggest that Americans may be topping their hot dogs more generously than ever.”

This is How Grand Junction Takes Their Hot Dog

June 20th, 2022, marked the day we observe "National Hot Dog Day." I asked on Facebook, "You can add three toppings on your hot dog. What are you adding?" Here's what you had to say.

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