Have you ever wondered what elevation Grand Junction, Colorado sits at? I was born here, and have to admit it rarely crosses my mind.

Considering we're in the mountains, the elevation depends on where you happen to be standing at any given moment.

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Grand Junction Colorado's Elevation

First, the simple answer. According to the Worldwide Elevation Map Finder, Grand Junction sits at 4,593 feet. For those who've found their way to the year 2022, that translates to 1400 meters.

There's a Whole Lot of Grand Junction Out There

Okay, so Grand Junction's elevation is 4,593 feet. That's great. I live in Grand Junction city limits, but my house is in the hills. For that matter, I grew up on Little Park Road, hundreds of feet above the valley floor. My address there was Grand Junction, too. What are those elevations?

After a little number crunching, it was determined the elevation of my current home is 4,780 feet. That's quite a bit different from the house I grew up in towards the top of Little Park Road. Its elevation is measured at 5,308.4 feet.

How To Find Elevations Around Grand Junction

This was accomplished using a wonderful site called Free Map Tools. It's good -- really good. Then again, if you're trying to zero in on a precise location, it can be a bit frustrating. For example, with this post, I searched to find the precise elevation of Houston Hall at Colorado Mesa University. To accomplish this, I began with Google Maps, which provided precise GPS coordinates. From there, the GPS coordinates were copied to Free Maps Tools, which then gave a precise measurement for Houston Hall's elevation, right down to the decimal point.

Various Points Around Grand Junction Colorado

This was fun. Precise points along my old paper route were tracked down for their elevations. Have you ever wondered how high up you are when visiting your health club? I wondered the same thing. Now I know, 4,649.0 feet.

What Is Grand Junction Colorado's Elevation?

According to the Worldwide Elevation Map Finder, Grand Junction sits at 4,593 feet. That's a great starting point. What about various locations around the valley?

Grand Junction Colorado Area Business Signs of the 1940s and 50s - Robert Grant Photos

Take a look at business signs from the Grand Junction area through the lens of photographer Robert Grant.

KEEP SCROLLING: Robert Grant Photos: Growers and Farmers of Western Colorado

You'll definitely recognize the surroundings. Bob Grant loved capturing Western Colorado icons in the shot. Whenever possible, he'd get Mt. Garfield in the background. If Mt. Garfield weren't available, he'd get the Bookcliffs, Grand Mesa, or even the Colorado National Monument.

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