Girls Get Green Light To Sell Cookies At Dispensaries
Girl Scouts of Colorado say it's ok to sell cookies at pot shops.
I shared a story a few weeks ago about a young lady in California that set up shop in front of a local dispensary and sold like 300 boxes of cookies. The idea appears to be catching on but until recently Colorado didn't allow the girls to sell cookies "outside adult-oriented businesses such as liquor stores, casinos or marijuana dispensaries." It's cool now! That ruling has been overturned.
"Colorado Girl Scouts have since updated their policy to treat “adult-oriented” businesses such as marijuana dispensaries the same as any other business." That's according to council spokeswoman AnneMarie Harper.
However, all potential selling sites must be approved by Girl Scouts of Colorado. Safety is of utmost importance when it comes to where the girls can sell cookies. The girls can't just roll up and start peddling their wares just anywhere. The Scouts must have permission from the business and the property owners.
The new policy allows local leaders, parents, and scouts within each troop to decide what's best when it comes to where to sell. "We think the new policy empowers Scouts to be the best cookie entrepreneurs they can be,” says Harper.
According to Entrepreneur Magazine's "10 Insider Tips for Retail Success" Rule #1 "LOCATION: Choosing your location is the most important step...What good is it if you have..awesome merchandise but no customers? You should choose a location that has a high traffic count." Girl Scout cookies in front of Colorado pot shops? Sounds like a match in retail heaven. Good Luck girls!....uh, I'll take a couple boxes!
Credit: The Cannabist