Listen up, Grand Junction. Girl Scout Cookies are going to stick around a while longer. Shopping season for Girl Scout Cookies has been extended three more weeks, and the cookie finder app is at your disposal to find booths in western Colorado.

I thought Girl Scout Cookie Season ended in February.

When the Girl Scouts put their mind to something, there's no stopping them. Under normal circumstances, cookie season ends when February comes to a close. As you've no doubt noticed, these are not exactly "normal" times. Consequently, Girl Scout Cookie season is being extended.

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First things first - why should you buy Girl Scout Cookies? Well, they're delicious, affordable, and benefit causes right here in the valley. According to the Girl Scouts webpage:

When you buy Girl Scout Cookies, you help sustain life-changing, girl-led programs, experiences, and learning for local Girl Scouts. You also make it possible for them to support the causes they care about most, especially in challenging times. Every year, girls decide exactly what to do with their earnings—and 100 percent of the money stays local, powering meaningful impact in your community! -

Well, I'm sold. So, how do I go about getting the cookies? In years past Girl Scouts would come to the studio and sell in person. That method would be an impossibility at this time.

How does one find out when and where cookies will be available?

The Girl Scout Cookie Finder App is your passport to the nearest cookie booth. It will tell you where to find them, when they'll be operating, and for how long. All you need is the app.

How does the app work?

Utilizing the app, I decided to conduct a poor man's cookie search with the station's zip code as a central point. Using the station's zip code of 81501 the app produced these hits within a five-mile radius. Please note, these are just a small portion of the hits found. It was a lengthy list.

  • Friday, March 5 - Texas Roadhouse on North Avenue from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Friday, March 5 - Walmart on North Avenue from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Saturday, March 6 - Big 5 Sporting Goods from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Sunday, March 7 - Alta Convenience Store from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Again, those hits represent only a small dent in the number of booths appearing around Grand Junction over the extended period. When you see a location you like, the app will provide information about the booth, distance from your location, and a map.

We've been given a reprise. Girl Scout Cookies are going to stick around a few more weeks. The cookies are delicious, and it's all for a good cause. Be sure to get the app. You can find it at the App Store or on Google Play.

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