Very Angry Man Uses Drone to Catch His Cheating Wife
Private detectives, take note.
A man used a drone to catch his wife fooling around behind his back with a man she met up with at a CVS parking lot. Because nothing quite says adultery like a glorified drugstore that gives you receipts longer than the Magna Carta.
The dude is completely off-the-rails ticked off (he could use a beer-via-drone to chill out), which any hubby would be after catching his significant other opening her golden palace for business to another man.
Now, to be fair, he didn't actually catch them in the act. He only spotted the little missus getting into a car. For all we know, she could've been Ubering it. But we're going to go ahead and give this man the benefit of the doubt.
Drones could be the game-changing innovation that private dicks hired by worried spouses need. Heck, parents are already using them on their kids to make sure everything is cool, so it seems like a natural progression. Domino's and Amazon have also toyed around with drones, so maybe it's only natural they be used to spy.