Do You Recognize This Hotel in Western Colorado in this Postcard?
Take a look at this old school postcard to see if you recognize this Western Colorado hotel. This postcard is from sometime in the 1940s, the exact date isn't known because it was never mailed.
This old Western Colorado postcard shows a hotel that looks like it's in the middle of nowhere. The postcard shows Harold's Desert Inn in Mack and that's about it. At the bottom, the postcard says 'fun galore, Mack, Colorado, 539."
Not a lot of other information is provided by the postcard, considering there are no people or cars pictured.
The postcard does show Coca-Cola signs, 'lunch' and 'sandwiches' signs and what appears to be a Pabst Blue Ribbons sign as well. A sandwich and a beer sound like a good time to me.
I'm not sure who Harold is and what the story is behind Harold's Desert Inn, but I want to know. If you have any memories please share them with us.
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