How Much Does It Cost To Park In Downtown Grand Junction?
How many times have you pulled into a parking spot in downtown Grand Junction only to realize you have absolutely no change for the parking meter?
The Need For Coins On Hand
I have had that experience plenty of times, which eventually prompted me to create a stash of coins in my truck to have on hand for those occasions. Having coins on hand is more challenging than it used to be because so many of us rarely use cash. The simple solution, of course, is to get a Park Smart card, which is a pre-paid parking card you can use in the downtown parking garage or the newly upgraded meters. One day I'm actually going to do that.
Regardless of which method you use to pay for your downtown parking - it's good to know when you have to pay when you don't have to pay, and how much it's going to cost when you are eating, shopping, or doing business in downtown Grand Junction.
When Do You Have to Pay For Parking In Downtown Grand Junction?
Quite simply, parking fees in downtown Grand Junction are enforced Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. In the evening and on the weekends parking is absolutely free. Yes, it's true. In the evening and on weekends it costs you nothing to park downtown.

How Much Does It Cost To Park In Downtown Grand Junction?
The standard rate for short-term parking is $0.75 per hour for most meters and on the main floor of the parking garage on Rood. That doesn't seem so bad when you consider the fact that parking in downtown Denver averages between $2 and $4 per hour. People who work downtown can get an online permit for $25, which is valid for the long-term (10-hour) parking meters. Here's a map of the downtown parking meters.
What If I Have Unpaid Parking Tickets?
The longer you wait to pay your fine, the more it's going to cost you because of late fees. However, if you pay your original fine before April 7, the city of Grand Junction is waiving all of the late fees. If you choose not to pay a parking fine, it can eventually be turned over to a collection agency.