Corey Taylor Reacts to Gen Z Trying to Cancel Eminem, Plots Book on Social Media Outrage
Is Corey Taylor ready to tackle cancel culture and internet outrage? The Slipknot and Stone Sour singer is knocking around ideas for his next book, and in a new interview, Taylor said it would have to do with "social media and the age that we live in — the 'outrage' age."
Speaking to Matt Pinfield, the Great Big Mouth brought up the recent controversy surrounding an offensive Eminem lyric about Rihanna. Invoking some strong imagery from history, the CMFT rocker voiced his wariness about the type of control that can yield overbearing censorship.
Watch the full interview down toward the bottom of this post. (The excerpt as follows comes up at around the 19:00 mark.)
"I was just reading about how Gen Z is trying to cancel Eminem because of one line that was in a Rihanna song that he did with her," Taylor said, as first reported by Blabbermouth. "And I'm just like, is that where we are right now? I mean, at this point, you're talking about the Salem witch trials. You're talking about, you know, America in the '20s where the KKK was like a political force. You're talking about complete condemnation without context or any rationalization for an action like that."
He continued, "To me, that's the most dangerous — when the mob decides that you're gone. I mean, that is Caesar at the Colosseum, for God's sakes. That's when it's dangerous. The level of censorship that we're starting to see — and I'm not saying that certain things haven't been said that easily offend people. However, the flip side of that is that you can't even make a joke anymore — even in the cleanest of situations."
"It's starting to really kind of form in my head," Taylor told Pinfield. "I may actually write it soon. Because it's really kind of out of control out there right now."
Taylor's no newb in the world of authorship. He previously penned the collections America 51, You're Making Me Hate You, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Heaven and Seven Deadly Sins.
He's also voiced the same kind of ideas before. In America 51, the musician takes a look at "the way America sees itself, specifically with regard to the propaganda surrounding America's origins," according to a synopsis from that book's publisher.
Corey Taylor Talks to Matt Pinfield on 95.5 KLOS - March 8, 2021
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