In less than 24 hours Colorado residents have changed the lives of 26 cats rescued from an inhumane hoarding situation in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

In a matter of hours, caring Colorado animal lovers stepped up to the plate with needed donations and offers of transitional care.

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Rescue Alert Out Of Colorado Springs

The Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region posted the news on Facebook yesterday, April 21, 2022. The post read:

Yesterday evening our Animal Law Enforcement (ALE) team rescued 26 cats from a hoarding situation. These cats were living in carriers stacked on top of each other in a garage and housed in unsanitary conditions. Many cats were laying in their own feces or urine and were very undersocialized. The owner was overwhelmed with the number of cats and surrendered them all to HSPPR so they could receive proper care and treatment.

Aftermath of the Living Conditions These Cats Were Forced to Deal With

According to their Facebook post, upon examination, all of the 26 cats will require medical and/or behavioral support.

Colorado Animal Lovers Step Up to Save the Day

The Facebook post adds, "In addition to the individualized care and treatment, the resources required to care for an influx of animals is draining." With that, they've requested donations in the amount of $10 to provide these cats with "hope for a second chance."

The shelter had hoped to raise $2,500 in donations. As of 8:58 a.m. on Friday, April 22, 2022, barely 16 hours after the site went live, caring people have already donated $3,996.

In the Meantime...

KOAA News5 reports, "The Humane Society's team will continue to monitor the cats and evaluate each cat individually over the next few days."

Anne Marie F
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Jackie B
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Suzan D
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Virginia W
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Grand Junction Colorado Animals - Robert Grant Photos

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