When it comes to sex, it doesn't last longer in Colorado. In fact, it doesn't last long at all.

According to date collected by  the Spreadsheets App, sex lasts the longest in New Mexico with an average time of about 7 minutes. Meanwhile, in chilly Alaska, apparently they are in such a rush to get their clothes back on, it only takes 1:21.

Are you kidding me?  Anytime it takes longer to warm up a cup of coffee in the microwave than it does to have sex, there is something amiss.

In Colorado, the time between the sheets is 2:21, which ranks 40th in the nation. If you want longer sex and going to New Mexico doesn't appeal to you, try West Virginia which is #2 on the list at 5:38, or Idaho at 5:11. Every other state is under five minutes.

On the opposite end, in South Dakota the magic number is 1:30, and  in Vermont it happens in just 1:48.

Hey, at least in these states if you are watching your favorite show you can get it done during the commercials and you won't miss anything.

So are these numbers wacky, or are they a true reflection of reality?

Let's find out with our own unscientific poll. Tell us what is, or was a normal length of time for you.

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