Remembering Colorado TV Commercials of the Past
Being born and raised in Colorado, along with watching plenty of TV as a kid, I was definitely subjected to a lot of local commercials that have stuck in my brain for years following.
In addition, I memorized the phone number of Redstone College in Denver (650-fifty-fifty) and called them so many times as a three-year-old that they told me to "hang up and never call back."

Curious, I posted a question on Facebook asking which Colorado commercial or commercials were the most memorable for you and got all kinds of great responses.
Your Most Memorable Colorado Commercials
Upon reading your responses to my question I couldn't help but take a trip back in time to all of the great memories of watching TV in Colorado for so many years.
One of the classic commercials mentioned was the many ads for American Furniture Warehouse with Jake Jabs and his tigers which, if I remember correctly, were never actually AT AFW, which was quite disappointing.
Another classic commercial that sticks in your head is that of Shane Co. The commercials have been voiced by owner Tom Shane for years and include the addresses of his stores as well as the line, "Now you have a friend in the diamond business."
Other responses mentioned Colorado staple Coors beer commercials with the slogan of "taste the Rockies," personal injury attorney Frank Azar a.k.a. The Strong Arm, Grand Junction's Winshields Express, and Denver car dealership Rocky's Auto and their unmistakeable mascot "Shagman."
According to you, these are some of Colorado's most memorable commercials: