Did you know that Colorado is one of the most highly educated states?

According to a report from Axios Denver, Colorado is home to the second most educated population, only following behind the state of Massachusetts.

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How Colorado Compares to the Rest of the U.S.

Approximately 42% of Colorado's residents hold a bachelor's degree.  Just 5 years ago, only 38% of Colorado residents held a bachelor's degree, meaning, we're only getting smarter here in Colorado.

The state of Colorado even beats the U.S' bachelor's educated average of 33%.

Massachusetts has a 3% lead with 45% of the state's residents holding a bachelor's degree.

Compared to the rest of America, Colorado also has a younger population with a median age of 36.9 compared to 38.2 for the U.S. In addition, 4% of Colorado's current residents actually moved from a different state in the prior year.

All in all, it looks like Colorado is the place to be for the young and educated.

All The Public 2 & 4 Year Colleges in Colorado

There are 31 public colleges/universities in the state of Colorado. 14 of these colleges are 4-year schools and the remaining 17 colleges are 2-year schools. 53% of those attending are female, while 47% are male.

Here are all the public 2 & 4-year colleges in Colorado:

All the Private 2 & 4 Year Colleges in Colorado

There are  72 private colleges/universities in the state of Colorado. 56% of those attending a private college in Colorado are female, while 44% are male.

Here are all the private 2 & 4-year colleges in Colorado:

A List of Famous People Who Graduated From Grand Junction High Schools

Look at this list of famous alumni who attended Grand Junction high schools. Famous alumni include Billie Eilish's mom, NFL players, and Dalton Trumbo.

Check Out this School Bus Turned Tiny Home for Sale

This Fort Collins school bus that's been transformed into a tiny home is one-of-a-kind.

1910 School House Turned Into Home in Colorado

This 1910 School in Loma has been remodeled into a home.

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