Colorado Double Amputee Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro – Thanks to You
A double-amputee from Colorado is now living the dream. If successful, she will become the first woman to crawl to one of the eight summits of the world.
Mandy Horvath shared a Facebook Live video last Thursday, June 10, 2021. It features her and her climbing crew as they set out on an epic journey.

Famous Colorado Mountain Climber
Mandy Horvath, 28, a resident of Colorado Springs, lost both legs above the knee in a tragic accident. Since then, she's been spotted conquering various climbs such as Manitou Incline and Pikes Peak. She accomplishes this by "walking" with her hands.
In Training for Next Adventure
On May 13, 2021, Mandy posted this video on Youtube.
Your eyes do not deceive you - that's a trash bag she's wearing around her lower body. As you can imagine, certain pieces of adaptive gear are required for Mandy to complete these climbs.
Via Youtube, she issued the following statement:
My name is Mandy Horvath, I am a 27 year old female bi-lateral above knee amputee most prominently known for climbing mountains and monuments. That's a mouthful, right? My next crawling ascent is of Mount Kilimanjaro. In just under a month I will be traveling to Tanzania in Africa. If the expedition is successful I will become the first woman to crawl to one of the 8 summits of the world. As an adaptive athlete the gear I will need is costly, and several of my garments/gear will need altered or fabricated to fit my needs. Any help is sincerely appreciated, please share.
Journey is Underway
On June 10, 2021, Many posted on Facebook:
Today isn't just my 28th birthday, it's the beginning of an epic journey for my team and I up Mt.Kilimanjaro! Thank you, sincerely- to each and every person, entity, sponsor, business etc. that has made this dream a reality. I wouldn't be here without your help. Wish us luck, and safety, godspeed! Lastly, I love you. Yes, you.
Thanks to you and your generosity, this dream is now a reality. According to Horvath, the trip to Africa was a little bumpy, with a missed layover and a couple of pieces of lost luggage. When it's all said and done, she's on site, has the proper gear, and is ready to make it happen.